Friday, October 24, 2008


12 Terabytes for only 20k what a deal. I think it is going to be a hard item to get through the budget this year. Buying storage is not sexy. 

We're 500 GB from using up our 10TB of storage. That means we need more room. I'm sure we have a bunch of crap on there, but really we chew up space at the rate of a gig a minute for footage. We need big chunks free, not just a file here and there.

I figure we can keep ourselves to 2.5 TB stored footage per year. That should give a lifespan for the 12 TB array of 3 years or so (RAID 5). So I'm going to have to make sure people understand the yearly cost is about 6K. They are still not going to like that number so I'll also need to explain about falling drive costs. 

With any luck that will convince people. In all fairness I did say that storage costs would be an ongoing expense.


Obvious said...

Ongoing costs for storage are a tough sell --most bean counters or the people in charge of the bcs don't quite get the idea that technology is a one time cost.

I don't think I've ever managed to convince anyone that a storage array for video is a reasonable thing price-wise. When I managed the budget for such things I even felt some qualms because as you say, storage ain't sexy.

Jeff Heywood said...

We've got a drobo on the way. That's about 3TB of usable archive space. I'm angling to put the 16k in the budget for the array, saying that we're hoping the drobo can get us through until next year, but if it is flaky, we'll need to spend the 16k this year.

So, hopefully the drobo works and by the time next year rolls around, the array has already been on the books a year, so no one is surprised.