Friday, October 24, 2008

Too/to bold?

When to use bold and when not to, it's this afternoon's office discussion.
We've just finished new screens for the beluga underwater and we have a nifty new design. It looks good. However, for design sake several words of each phrase are bold, and several are normal font.
It looks good, but the discussion is, why are we bolding those words?
In a full sentence we don't do that because if you need to bold a word to call attention to it, maybe you should just rewrite your sentence to present the concept better instead. If one word is more important than others, maybe you should lose the other words.

However in a phrase like "Grey patch behind dorsal" is it bad if you bold "grey patch"?
It looks good and the non-bold words are still important so we can't get rid of them but do we break our own rules?
When does design trump content? Is that a neutral action? Does design only hurt or help content?
Do we overthink this kind of stuff? All valid questions.

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