Sunday, October 26, 2008

What is the experience

Right now we do this in the big sense. We ask of our galleries what the big experience is. In each exhibit we kind of ask what the experience is. I don't know if we go all the way though. We think about the hook, the core messaging, and what "walk-away" success would be, but I don't know if we ever talk about the experience at that detail level.
If someone plays with one of our interactives, or looks at our video wall, what do they experience?
I can tell you what I hope they walk away with. Sometimes it's success if they walk away with even the lightest grasp on the challenges facing a certain animal. If it is a multi-layered message it can be great if they pick up any of the layers, as long as they get at least one.

But when it comes to the experience they had at the spin-browser, or the experience they had the video-wall or the experience they had at one of the habitats, I don't know if we really put it all together to consider that. I think we should.

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