Wednesday, September 24, 2008

quit emailing me

So I thought I'd be smart and have FCSvr email me whenever someone submitted a master for review. It worked. Wooo.

Except that FCSvr emails me about 10 times for every one piece that is submitted. It's very excitable this Final Cut Server.

It appears that once I have FCSvr email me about one status change, it emails about every status change. There is no email once and stop.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Update breaks final cut server

Well, go figure, the update of awesomeness that is supposed to fix everything no problems ended up breaking things. Go figure.

Yesterday I submitted a project for upload just as I was leaving, thinking it would run overnight. Welp, no such luck.

FCSvr stopped creating video proxies for the uploaded footage and left me in the lurch. What good is having video in there if you can't view a preview.

The old e_sum_param error which no one has ever heard of didn't really help me troubleshoot compressor.

That was last night and the reason I was late for dinner.

However this morning, with a clear head and a stick-it note left by me on monitor saying "check server" I checked the server and found the problem.

During the update it changed the render cluster to nothing. Nothing was selected for that. This morning I changed it to "this computer" and just like that, proxy heaven.

Now I don't have any idea what I really told it to do. I think I said rather than sitting there wondering where you should be rendering this, go ahead and use your own cpu and get 'er done.

A lifetime of closed fist button mashing has prepared me well for my FCSvr admin duties...Just keep pressing buttons and restarting things until it works or you've really, really, really broken it.

Monday, September 22, 2008

But wait there is more Final Cut Server craziness

At this point I feel as though I'm accelerating along my descent into madness that Pro Training book so eagerly embraces.

Another word for word quote from the Advanced Administration chapter:

"With greater control comes greater complexity, so it's best to caffeinate heavily before diving into these pages"

Good lord. What am I in for? I do like the honesty of this book though. No messing around pretending everything is going to be okay. It states it pretty clearly that you are on a likely suicide mission, but if by some chance you survive there will be great reward.

I consider myself warned.

Final Cut Server is hilarious

Clearly someone was losing their mind in the course of writing the Pro Training book for Final Cut Server.

I'm dutifully going along, reading the book, trying to figure out what the hell I'm doing and how I'm going to deliver what I promised when I come across this word for word gem...

"Now that users can log in, and assets are beginning to show up in the client application, you can take advantage of all the distracted oohing and aahing to knuckle down and design the true gems of your already thankless job: automations."

I don't know what it seems like to you, but to me it sounds like that giddiness that starts to creep in when over-tired and facing punishing deadlines.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Content Inside

Content, content, content. Lots of content. Just spray it around, fill some buckets with it and do it fast. 

It's a word that is thrown around so casually. "We'll just put the content in there" or "We need some content".   Many people look at content like it is a coat of paint. You build the thing, then just decide on the paint and slap it up. Content doesn't work like that, as much as people think it does.

I had someone upset with the time it was taking to come up with the right message for something. Their response to us taking so long was to grab some facts off wikipedia and slap them together...done. 

It's hard to get someone to recognize what it is you do when basically many consider the job a matter of finding and replacing all the "Lorus ipsum" with some of them english language words.